Civil lawdetail pagecivil law, divisions of civil law
Representing the county boarddrawer
Protecting taxpayer interests drawer
Contracts and employmentdrawer
Case information drawer
Impact statementsdrawer
Minnesota Court Information System drawer
Court calendardrawer
Victim Servicesdrawer
Restitution for victimsdrawer
Victim impact statementsdrawer
How to Applydrawer
Eligible Casesdrawer
Applying If No Longer Incarcerateddrawer
Types of Crimes Under Considerationdrawer
No Review of Cases Pending on Direct Appealdrawer
Applying With Pending Post-Conviction Petitiondrawer
Process After Application Submissiondrawer
Informing Victims and Surviving Familiesdrawer
Length of Reviewdrawer
Providing Status Updatesdrawer
End of Review Processdrawer
No Appeals of CIU Decisionsdrawer
Prosecutor-Initiated Sentence Adjustmentdrawer
Apply for PISAdrawer
Case searchdetail pagecase number search, find a court case, case lookup, case look-up
Conviction Integrity Unitdetail page
How to Applydrawer
Eligible Casesdrawer
Applying If No Longer Incarcerateddrawer
Types of Crimes Under Considerationdrawer
No Review of Cases Pending on Direct Appealdrawer
Applying With Pending Post-Conviction Petitiondrawer
Process After Application Submissiondrawer
Informing Victims and Surviving Familiesdrawer
Length of Reviewdrawer
Providing Status Updatesdrawer
End of Review Processdrawer
No Appeals of CIU Decisionsdrawer
Impact statementsdetail pagevictim impact statement, victim impact sample, community impact statement, community impact sample, impact statement sample, how to impact sentence
Victim impact statementsdrawer
Community impact statementsdrawer
Prosecutor-Initiated Sentencing Adjustment (PISA)detail page
Restitutiondetail pagecourt restitution payment mn, paying restitution, restitution payment plan
Payment processdrawer
Unpaid restitutiondrawer
Victims owed restitutiondrawer
Defendants who owe restitutiondrawer
Juvenile restitutiondrawer
Types of crimes and offendersdetail pagecriminal prosecution, criminal process, crimes, offenses, felonies
Violent crimes and offendersdrawer
Sexual assault and sex traffickingdrawer
Domestic violencedrawer
Child abusedrawer
Vulnerable adultsdrawer
Gang offendersdrawer
Gun crimesdrawer
Burglaries, theft and property crimesdrawer
Drug casesdrawer
Complex financial crimesdrawer
Career criminalsdrawer
First time offendersdrawer
Mentally ill and dangerous peopledrawer
Youth Prosecutiondetail pagejuvenile justice, juvenile division, juvenile attorney, juvenile felony charge, juvenile court, juvenile arraignment
Philosophy of the juvenile justice systemdrawer
Adjudication and dispositiondrawer
Adult certification or juveniles tried in adult criminal courtdrawer
Privacy of juvenile court recordsdrawer
Victim rightsdrawer
Key Court Documents detail page
Responding Agenies in the Brian Quinones Casedetail page
Adult trial updatescode page
Juvenile trial updatescode page
Criminal prosecutiondrawer
Frequently asked questionsdrawer
Juvenile justice systemdrawer
Legal informationdrawer
Legal process overviewdetail pageseverity of charge probable cause, how to drop charges, restitution office, offense levels, public data request
Starting an investigationdrawer
Charging and sentencing decisionsdrawer
About the County Attorney's Officedrawer
Obtaining public informationdrawer
Restitution and expungementdrawer
Crime information not on the websitedrawer
Consumer fraud and wage complaintsdrawer
Data practice requestsdrawer
Police contactsdetail pageminneapolice police department, hennepin county police, non-emergency police number, non emergency police, police department, local police number
Call 911 to report crimedrawer
Minneapolis Police Department precinct contactsdrawer
Hennepin County suburban police departmentsdrawer
Hennepin County Sheriffdrawer
Other public safety agenciesdrawer
U/T Visadetail page
Victim Servicesdetail pagevictim impact statement, victim services hennepin county, victim assistance, victim witness, victim advocate
Crime victim rightsdrawer
Victim advocates and the prosecution processdrawer
Services for crime victimsdrawer
Financial assistancedrawer
Interpreter servicesdrawer
Services for witnessesdrawer
Frequently asked questions for victims and witnessesdrawer
Domestic Abuse Service Centerdetail pagedomestic abuse center, domestic abuse center Hennepin County, domestic violence
Order for Protectiondrawer
Safety and Securitydrawer
Housing Servicesdrawer
Children at DASCdrawer
Interpreter Servicesdrawer
Laws About Domestic Abusedrawer
Criminal justice processdetail pageresponding to a crime, after a crime is reported
Crime occurs and is reporteddrawer
Police investigatedrawer
Prosecutors review evidence, make a charging decisiondrawer
Criminal complaint and indictmentdrawer
Arraignment (first appearance)drawer
Omnibus hearing (pre-trial conference)drawer
Sealing Criminal Records with the HSMR Programdetail page
How to Applydrawer
Community-Based Organizationsdrawer
Juvenile diversiondetail pagejuvenile court, juvenile diversion, Hennepin County Attorney juvenile, youth, juvenile court record
Diversion advantagesdrawer
Diversion processdrawer
Diversion agreementdrawer
Child protectiondetail pagechild protection appeals, chips, child protection services, child protection division, prevent child abuse, child protection form
Investigating child abusedrawer
CHIPS (child in need of protection or services)drawer
Removing children from homedrawer
Child supportdetail pagechild support office, child support orders
Explaining child support drawer
Requesting a child support order drawer
Receiving child supportdrawer
Enforcement, nonpayment and how to modify the orderdrawer
Additional information about child support ordersdrawer
Questions about your child support casedrawer
Protecting vulnerable adultsdetail pagevulnerable adult, vulnerable adults, elder abuse
Involuntary commitmentsdetail pagemental health commitment, chemical dependency commitment
Prevailing wage contractsdetail pageprevailing wage enforcement, county contracts, minimum wage for county contracts
Prevailing wage overviewdrawer
Construction and building service contractsdrawer
Maintenance contractsdrawer
Janitorial contractsdrawer
Security service contractsdrawer
Property tax petitionsdetail pageproperty tax petitions, property tax court, appeal property taxes
How to get the formsdrawer
Where to file and feesdrawer
Filing deadlinedrawer
Preparing the petitiondrawer
Serving and filingdrawer
After filingdrawer
Tax payment requirementsdrawer
Income-producing propertiesdrawer
Diversion intervention and servicesdrawer
Be@Schooldetail pagebe@school, be at school program, hennepin county be at school, truancy reporting, truancy program, attendance laws, basil hennepin county
Upcoming Informational Meetingsdrawer
Mission, Vision, Valuesdrawer
Be@School Programdrawer
Program Statisticsdrawer
Agency and School Report Cardsdrawer
Attendance Lawsdrawer
Attendance Record Questionsdrawer
School Districts, Contracted Community Agencies and Moredrawer
BASIL and Additional School Resourcesdrawer
Frequently Asked Questions - Videosdrawer
Conference Videosdrawer
be@school videodetail page
School safetydetail pageschool safety, school crime
Prosecuting school crimedrawer
Reporting threatsdrawer
School crime statisticsdrawer
Identity theft preventiondetail pageidentity theft, reporting identity theft, preventing identity theft
Tips to prevent identity theftdrawer
Report identity theftdrawer
Dealing with identity theftdrawer
Internet safetydetail pagehackers, online privacy, internet privacy
Burglary preventiondetail pagetheft, burglary, home theft, burglary prevention
Home safety best practicesdrawer
Travel tipsdrawer
Report suspicious activitydrawer
Vulnerable adults safetydetail pagevulnerable adult, adult protection, elder abuse, elder neglect, tips to stay safe
Financial exploitationdrawer
Elder abusedrawer
Court Watchdrawer
National Night Outdrawer
Nuisance and problem propertiesdrawer
Report problems to policedrawer
Court Watchdetail pagecourtwatch, neighborhood crime watch
Court Watch processdrawer
Role of communitydrawer
Court Watch groupsdrawer
Contact informationdrawer
National Night Outdetail pageNNO, night to unite, community events, request a visit, increase public safety, office staff
COVID-19 Vaccine Scamsdetail page
Tips on How to Avoid COVID-19 Vaccine Scamsdrawer
Kev qhia txog Kom Txhob Raug Dag Txog Cov Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv Tus Kab Mob COVID-19drawer
Talooyin ah Sida La Isaga Dhowro Khatalaadaha ku saabsan Talaalada Cudurka COVID-19 drawer
Consejos para evitar las estafas de la vacuna COVID-19drawer
COVID-19 Scams detail page
Welcome detail pagemary moriarty, county attorney, district attorney, co attorney
Meet the County Attorneydrawer
Divisionsdetail pagejuvenile division, prosecution division, child support division, civil division, criminal division, child protection division
Civil Divisiondrawer
Adult Servicesdrawer
Child Protectiondrawer
Child Supportdrawer
Adult Prosecutiondrawer
Community Engagementdrawer
Professional Standardsdrawer
Community Prosecutiondrawer
Youth Prosecutiondrawer
Major Litigationdrawer
Victim Servicesdrawer
Division of Professional Standardsdetail page
Brady/Giglio Unitdrawer
Training Unitdrawer
Strategy, Data, Research & Innovation Unitdrawer
Immigration Policy Unitdrawer
Collateral Review Unitdrawer
Conviction Integrity Unitdrawer
Mission statementdetail pagecounty attorney mission statement, county attorney vision, county attorney values
Vision statementdrawer
Strategic Goalsdrawer
The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Initiative detail page
Launch of the ICWA Initiative by the HCAOdrawer
The History of ICWAdrawer
ICWA Practicesdrawer
Hennepin County Attorney Visitsdrawer
Hennepin County Vital Records Projectdrawer
Initiativesdetail pageHennepin County Attorney initiatives, Hennepin County Attorney projects
Conviction Integrity Unitdrawer
Youth Auto Theft Preventiondrawer
Youth Group Violence Intervention (YGVI)drawer
Adult diversiondetail page
About adult diversion and Diversion Solutionsdrawer
Diversion guidelinesdrawer
Contact informationdrawer
Law clerk programdrawer
Law Clerk Programdetail pagesummer law clerk, law clerk mn, law clerk openings, law clerk position, summer clerkship, apply for clerkship
Clerkship experiencedrawer
Possible division assignmentsdrawer
Application processdrawer
Data dashboarddetail page
About the datadrawer
How to use the dashboarddrawer
Charging decision glossarydrawer
Table of contentsdrawer
Feedback and questionsdrawer
Policiesdetail page
Bail Policy and Guidelinesdrawer
Civil Asset Forefiture Policydrawer
Expungement Policydrawer
Officer Involved Shooting Protocoldrawer
Reportsdetail page
Cash Bail Reportdrawer
Data Dashboard Reportdrawer
Disparity Reduction Effortsdrawer
Juvenile Justice Reportdrawer
Sexual Assault Initiative Reportdrawer
Contactdetail pageoffice staff, office information, prosecutors list, list of attorneys
Division names and phone numbersdrawer
Data practice requestsdrawer
Hennepin County Attorney's Office (@HennepinAtty) Instagram detail page
Jobsdetail pageemployment, hennepin county attorney's office jobs, county attorney jobs mn, mn county attorney jobs, hennepin county attorney jobs, hennepin county attorney employment
Working for the County Attorneydrawer
Law clerk programdrawer
Externships and internshipsdrawer
Newsdetail pagepress release, criminal complaint, charges, hennepin county attorney press release
Auto Theft Prevention Tipsdetail page
Talooyinka Kahortaga Xatooyada Baaburtadrawer
Consejos de Prevención de Robo de Vehículosdrawer
Privacy statementdetail pageprivacy, website privacy, website confidentiality
Terms of usedetail pageterms of use, Hennepin County Attorney terms of use
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