Data dashboard

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This dashboard of criminal cases is part of County Attorney Moriarty's commitment to transparency. It provides a breakdown of criminal cases and trends for the last five years (including the current year).

When will this data be updated?

The dashboard is updated nightly. Therefore, the information is never more than 24 hours old.

Race and Gender
Race and gender data is collected and submitted by law enforcement. The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office does not collect this information. To prevent subject identification, race and gender do not filter by Municipality or Minneapolis Community.

Diverted Cases
Because the case information is updated nightly, it has a noteworthy impact on post-charge diversion cases (see “Charging Decision Glossary”). Post-charge diversion cases are initially marked as charged and are counted as charged cases until a diversion agreement is entered in court. Because that process can take six months or more, cases from previous years regularly move from charged to diverted. Therefore, diversion cases are significantly undercounted, and charged cases significantly overcounted, in the most recent two years.

Offense Types
Offense types are internal case categories utilized by the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office. They may not align with Minnesota statutes.

Offense Levels
“Unmarked” refers to cases where no offense level was entered in the county attorney’s data system. This occurs when cases are declined or otherwise not submitted to court by the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office.

Submitting Agency
Submitting agencies are limited to those with at least 10 case submissions during the time period.

The dashboard is interactive, meaning you can reveal additional information by hovering and clicking. When you hover over an element of a visual, a pop-up will reveal additional information related to that element. When you click an element, the entire page will filter according to that element. To filter by multiple elements, use Ctrl+Click.




Filtering by domestic violence cases



Filtering by domestic violence felony cases

Ctrl Click

Charged: prosecutors determined the evidence is sufficient to file a criminal complaint against the defendant.

Declined: prosecutors determined the evidence is insufficient to file charges against the suspect.

Deferred: prosecutors sent the case back to police for further investigation.

Deferred – No Resubmit: deferred cases that were not resubmitted by law enforcement after 90 days.

Diverted (Post-Charge): prosecutors filed charges against the defendant but agreed to dismiss the case if the defendant successfully completes a rehabilitation program.

Diverted (Pre-Charge): prosecutors determined there was sufficient evidence to file charges against the offender but agreed never to file those charges if the offender successfully completes a rehabilitation program.

Other: prosecutors have sent the case to another agency for review (e.g.,conflict).

Pending: prosecutors have yet to determine whether to file charges.

Under Investigation: prosecutors have yet to determine whether to file charges but are actively investigating the case
  1. Criminal Case Overview
    All criminal cases submitted to the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office during the time period. Cases can be filtered by using the drop downs across the top row or clicking on elements in the visuals.

  2. Criminal Case Trends
    An analysis of trends in case submissions. The top row shows how annual and year-to-date* case totals are trending. The bottom row breaks these trends down by offense type.
  3. Appeals
    All appeals cases handled by the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office during the time period. Appeals cases are broken down by type rather than charging decision.
  4. Hennepin Maps
    Two maps showing the distribution of case submissions throughout the county. The map on the left shows how cases are distributed by municipality, while the map on the right shows how cases are distributed by commissioner district. Hovering over geographic areas reveals: 1) the name of the area; 2) the total number of case submissions; and 3) the top-5 offense types among the submissions. Importantly, Minneapolis is broken into communities on the municipality map to provide more detailed information on the county’s most populous city.
  5. Minneapolis Maps
    Two maps showing the distribution of case submissions throughout the county’s most populous city. The map on the left shows how cases are distributed by community, while the map on the right shows how cases are distributed by neighborhood. Hovering over geographic areas reveals: 1) the name of the area; 2) the total number of case submissions; and 3) the top-5 offense types among the submissions.

    *Year-to-date means the data stops at today’s date in prior years

If you have feedback or questions, please contact the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office via Citizen Information. Reference “Data dashboard” to be routed appropriately.

Citizen information
Phone: 612-348-2146

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