Five individuals charged in Tuesday incident during basketball game at Cooper High School
The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office has charged five individuals in relation to the violent incident during a basketball game on Jan. 28, 2024, at Cooper High School in New Hope.
The following individuals have been charged. These charges reflect the current stage of the prosecution. Charges may be altered or added after further review of the submitted cases.
- Yahya Abdul Khanyare, 18
- Second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon
- Second-degree riot, armed with a dangerous weapon.
- Dursa Muktar Mohamed, 18
- Second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon
- Second-degree riot, armed with a dangerous weapon
- Fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle
- Ayub Mohamed Ali, 19
- Second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon
- Second-degree riot, armed with a dangerous weapon
- Salman Abdurashid Mohamed, 16
- Second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon
- Second-degree riot, armed with a dangerous weapon
- Mubashir Nasir Ali, 18
- Second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon
- Second-degree riot, armed with a dangerous weapon
Yahya Khanyare, Dursa Mohamed, and Ayub Ali were charged in custody after their arrest Tuesday night. Salman Mohamed and Mubashir Ali were taken into custody Friday.
“This was a shocking display of violence at a high school basketball game, causing injury to the victim and terrifying those in attendance,” Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty said. “We’re grateful the victim is recovering from his injuries, and we will hold the individuals who committed this violence accountable.”
According to the complaint:
Video from the school shows the group of suspects arriving together. They took weapons into the school and spent several minutes talking and conspiring together.
They then entered the gym, avoiding the ticketed point of entry, and walked straight toward the bench where the victim was seated. As they neared the victim, one of the males began to run toward the victim. He raised his hand in the air and struck the victim in the head with a metal tire-iron.
Several of the other co-Conspirators joined in the attack, attempting to strike and hit the victim with fists and other weapons. One of the co-Conspirators attempted to stab the victim with a knife. Other co-Conspirators stayed near the exit and appeared to be acting as lookouts during the attack. After the initial attack with the tire-iron, the victim was protected by his teammates and coaches, and the five suspects fled the gym together. They were arrested a short time later.